Home :: Russian SAUNA :: Scrub for BATH :: Gel scrub for bath and shower viburnum and mint

Gel scrub for bath and shower viburnum and mint

Gel scrub for bath and shower viburnum and mint
Gel Scrub with seeds viburnum and mintGel Scrub with viburnum seeds and mint thoroughly and gently cleanses the pores. Make sure your skin gets the necessary nutrition and protection from adverse environmental effects. Peppermint reduces inflammation, soothes and smooths the skin making it smooth and velvety and leave a lasting light spicy fragrance. A fragrant foam gel scrub will remind you summer morning in the garden where a green cloud of mint and grapes ripening Viburnum, swaying from mischievous breeze. You'll feel the burst of energy that will stay with you throughout the day
SKU SKU04518
Our price: $5.50
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