Try to recall the most pleasant, warm and unfeigned memories from your childhood. Whatever gets the list of priorities there invariably will be sunny, sparkling and sweet cream-soda! No Coca-cola, Pepsi and other foreign fancy beverages will ever replace this light remembrance of careless, cheerful childhood! Cream-soda is not just a drink, it is a symbol of a whole epoch along with black-and-white films, coin-operated machines and faith in clear future!
We offer you to try genuine Cream-soda The recipe according to which this drink is prepared has been kept invariable since pre-revolutionary times. Spicy and at the same time perfectly smooth and delicate, Cream-soda co-opted long-term experience of the best specialists that have put their soul and priceless knowledge into producing of first-rank beverage! As a result you have an opportunity to try the unfeigned, real cream-soda tasted as it did in Soviet times!
Perfectly combined ingredients along with advanced manufacturing sciences contribute to the unique taste of В«Cream-soda ChernogolovkaВ». However people all over the world appreciate this beverage not only for its superb taste. Everyone who has only once tried В«Cream-soda ChernogolovkaВ» in the heat of summer sultry day knows that nothing on the |