Home :: Bakery :: Bread :: Dark Bread NIKOLAS II


Rye Flour,Ennched Wheat flour,iron,water,molases,salt,yeastThe Russians say: bread is the head of everything. And this opinion eagerly shares a number of nations all over the world for which bread is a most traditional staple. Despite all the debates and arguments raised around this important product recent researches have shown that bread contains lot’s of essential microelements and vitamins that are indispensable for human organism. Especially this concerns dark rye bread.

We offer you to try authentic Russian bread baked according to the original recipes using advanced manufacturing sciences. Let us introduce you Dark Bread NIKOLAS II! Unique and unforgettable taste of this product will plunge you into the romantic atmosphere of pre-revolutionary Russia. Make sure – when toasted this bread just has no equals in terms of odor delicacy! Besides a brilliant combination of natural ingredients contributes greatly to your health and cheerfulness, fills you with energy and vigor!

Enjoy yourself with delicious and exceptionally useful Dark Bread NIKOLAS II!
Our price: $3.29
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